E-Paper Breakout Board for Teensy

Breakout board designed in KiCad to connect Pervasive Displays 2.15″ E-Paper (E2215CS062) to Teensy 3.2 or Teensy LC. Based Teensy E-Paper Shield by Jarek Lupinski in EAGLE.

My goal is to create a name badge I can wear at conferences and Maker Faires. This was first step to verify the KiCad schematic and KiCad footprints work. I will post more information as the badge project progresses.


KiCad PCB design files:

The board is shared on OSH Park:

E-Paper Breakout Board for Teensy


Order from OSH Park

Bill of Materials (BoM)


Source Code

  • uses EPD215 Arduino Library by Jarek Lupinski for his E-paper Teensy Shield
  • requires pinout modification:



Related: Jarek’s ePaper Teensy shield

E-Paper Breakout Board for Teensy

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