Micro SD Extension Cable

 writes on the Tindie blog:


Micro SD Extension Cable

Weirdly, one problem with memory now being so small is that these drives can be placed in areas that are difficult to access. Usually this means some sort of USB adapter (another amazing improvement over serial or parallel ports), but if you just want an actual SD extension cable in the form of a micro SD card, here it is! This device was conceived of when programming a BeagleBone Black, and could have lots of other applications.


I designed this little tool while compiling a software installation on BeagleBone Black. I needed to repetitively remove/inset the micro SD card. The BeagleBone was installed in a hard-to-reach area. So much time was wasted trying to inset the card with tweezers.

This simple tool plugs into the hard-to-reach socket, and provides a flexible extension.

Length: 3.5″

Screenshot from 2017-10-19 12-47-58.png

Micro SD Extension Cable