One Square Inch: more OSH Park shared projects

There were too many awesome One Square Inch entries for us to fit them all into one blog post.  Here are some more shared projects on OSH Park from the contest:


Sixteen different LED colors on a teeny tiny board.

OSH Park shared project: blinktronicator


STM32F030F4P6 breakout board

Not as bulky as the nucleo boards, after all.

OSH Park shared project: STM32F030F4P6 breakout board v



small seven segment display for plugging on an ISP programming header of an Atmel Board or an Arduino

OSH Park shared project: tiny7


mini SAM

Miniature dev board for SAM21D / SAM20D ARM cortex M0+

OSH Park shared project: miniSAM



Breadboard-compatible USB PIC16F1455 board

OSH Park shared project: USBreadboardIT
One Square Inch: more OSH Park shared projects

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