Glen Akins Knows a Thing or Two About Glorious Looking USB Peripherals

Tom Fleet writes on Hackster about how Glen Akins is breathing new life into high-quality, old tech with a custom USB HID controller:

Glen Akins Knows a Thing or Two About Glorious Looking USB Peripherals!

Sometimes you just need a single photo to know that the ensuing project is going to be worth keeping tabs on.

With Glen Akins on my Twitter feed, I’ve been treated to more than a few photos of some very interesting looking work in the area of creating custom, USB-HID control interfaces, and well… just look at the all the fun stuff waiting to go below!

When you know where to look, there are some glorious control interfaces to be found, full to the brim with high quality, and interesting format parts, like key switches that can be illuminated — or even featuring tiny integrated LCD displays.

There’s micro LED dot matrix displays, motorized linear potentiometers, and some panel manufacturers even share supplier chain links with The Empire — is that what looks like a prototype control panel for the Death Star main weapon pictured below…?

Glen Akins Knows a Thing or Two About Glorious Looking USB Peripherals

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