From KiCad to Digikey

cropped-lightbulbthing221bitknitting is automating the creation of a Bill of Materials (BoM) for Digi-Key from a Kicad project:

From Kicad to Digikey: Generating a BoM based on eeSchema

The goal of this post is to provide an overview of my effort.  To do this, I will take a simple schematic created in Kicad.


Start of MakeDigikeyBoM Code Review: Walk Through of Block Diagram

The goal of this post is to start a code review MakeDigikeyBoM python project.  I’ll cover the block diagram I created to represent the “big picture”.


MakeDigikeyBOM Code Review: The Python Scripts

The goal of this post is to familiarize us with the structure and purpose of the MakeDigikeyBom Python package and individual modules.


Check out this on GitHub for the source code:


From KiCad to Digikey

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