USB Interruptor

Teensy creator Paul Stoffregen designed this board to momentarily disconnect a USB device:


USB Interruptor

This simple board plugs inline with a USB cable. It always passes the 5V power and normally passes the USB data signals. But when you press the button, the USB data signals are momentarily disconnected.
For the last few months I’ve been developing a USB Host Library for powerful but complex EHCI USB port in Teensy 3.6 [..] Reaching over to physically unplug the USB cable gets old quickly! Really, really old, both hands off my keyboard… right when trying to focus [..]  I made this handy little board with a proper USB 2.0 high speed mux chip. The control signal is just 3.3V logic, so I might even wire it up to something to automate the process.
PaulStoffregen has shared the board on OSH Park:

USB Interruptor

Order from OSH Park

USB Interruptor

OpenFixture Takes the Pain Out of Pogo Pins


Hackaday reports:

OpenFixture Takes the Pain Out of Pogo Pins

[Elliot] wrote in with his OpenFixture model for OpenSCAD. It’s awesome because it takes a small problem, that nonetheless could consume an entire day, and solves it neatly. And that problem is making jigs to test assembled electrical products: a PCB test fixture.


In the PCB design software, you simply note down the locations of the test points and feed these into the OpenSCAD model.  [Elliot] shows you exactly how to do it using KiCAD. There are a few more parameters of the model that you can tweak to match your particulars, but you should have a DXF outline for a test jig in short order. Cut that out, assemble, and test.


OpenFixture Takes the Pain Out of Pogo Pins